we do go crazy in winter.
we go crazy in the spring.
we are crazy in the summer.
pull the reins and be older and hang on but enjoy it.
i've been writing this song for a friend, and myself, and now everyone... i can only think that it is aimed at some people more then others.
i am trying to fine tune things.
think a lot more about thinking a lot less.
read more.
not so much to read more but just so i know i'm tuning out all the static that stops me from reading more.
i have sat-tues off all summer and that is pretty much the greatest thing going.
two days at the cottage with friends and family and then two days by myself.
finish a record.
a stack of books.
all of the wine.
in the entire world.
(untitled) song for friends.
i'm going to pull this string.
going to pull it tight from both ends.
going to hear it sing.
it's going to sing everything is going to be alright, tonite.
when the moon comes up.
you and your lover you will cheer up.
don't worry, your worries will become light.
so the two of you, hang in, hold hands and breathe light.
i'm going to watch you bend.
going to watch you fold yourself in two.
then i'm going to send out friends.
they are going to bring you back they're going to save you, tonite.
when the moon comes up.
you and your lover you will cheer up.
don't worry, your worries will become light.
so the two of you, hang in, hold hands and breathe light.
breathe light friends.
what about the autumn?
oh we go crazy in the autumn too.
i should edit this.
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